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Practice in Saint-Marcellin

  • Laurent Bouchet
  • Arnaud Heguy

In front of many children from the Ecole de Rugby, players of the FCG trained Wednesday in Saint-Marcellin.

In the difficult situation they are currently experiencing, the players and the staff of the FCG will recall that moment: after the end of the training session, they were grouped with children of Saint Rugby School -Marcellin for a great photo. When everyone was being established, young aspiring rugby players have sung with "Ici, ici, c'est Grenoble!" Incentives that probably is heartwarming to the « Rouge & Bleu » and they will probably recall that on Sunday when facing Brive.

Before that, the players participated in a long working session with focus on the contacts, the offensive and defensive play, as well as the conquest. Laurent Bouchet and Arnaud Héguy talked a lot with the forwards after a scraum session that former player of Bayonne found constructive and interesting.

After this training session, the FCG players were available for photos and autographs, and met with the leaders and volunteers of St. Marcellin for a barbecue offered by the company C'PRO.

The next relocated training will be in two weeks, on the facilities of the GUC. The dates and times will be announced later.