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The group of Grenoble that will face Montpellier

  • Fabien Gengenbacher
  • Sona Taumalolo
  • Sisa Waqa

It is an group of 26 players who was summoned for the reception of Montpellier

The group: Fabien Alexandre, Armand Batlle, Gilles Bosch, Micaël Capelli, Alexandre Dardet, Walter Desmaison, Dayna Edwards, Fabrice Estebanez, Chris Farrell, Etienne Fourcade, Fabien Gengenbacher, Rory Grice, Ben Hand, Dylan Hayes, Nigel Hunt, Loick Jammes, Peter Kimlin, Charl McLeod, David Mélé, Aly Muldowney, Hendrik Roodt, Lilian Saseras, Steven Setephano, Sona Taumalolo, Sisa Waqa, Jonathan Wisniewski