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Schedule from 13th to 15th January

European Rugby for the pros, other teams are back on the field


From 7pm: FCG - Newcastle (Stade des Alpes in Grenoble)


From 1.30pm: Quadrangular Minimes U14 (Girerd Stadium in l'Îsle d'Abeau)

From 1:30pm: Quadrangular Minimes U13 (René Boeuf Stadium in Villard-Bonnot)

From 3pm: Alamercery FCG - Bourg-en-Bresse (Bachelard Stadium in Grenoble)

From 3pm: Gaudermen FCG - Bourg-en-Bresse (Bachelard Stadium in Grenoble)

From 3pm: Cadettes FCG - Niort (Stade du Vieux Melchior in Sassenage)

From 6.30pm: Espoirs FCG - Vannes (Annex Stade Lesdiguières in Grenoble)


From 3pm: La Valette- Amazones FCG (Vallis Laeta Stadium in La Valette )

From 3pm: Rovaltain - Crabos FCG (Stade des Baumes in Valence)