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The Grenoble qualify for the final of the French U Championship

  • Amazones

In Poitiers, the Grenobloises and a Chambérienne played the semifinals

The Grenoble rugby union team at X qualified for the final tournament of the French U championship which will take place in Toulouse on June 1st.

They needed a win on Thursday, against Bordeaux or Nancy to qualify. They defeated the Lorraines (41-19), before losing in front of the Bordelaises (62-5)

Many of the Amazons make up this team: Ninon Cecillon, Mathieu Berry, Astrid Montalti, Maelle Filopn, Philippine Mias, Violaine Chavance, Marine Doremus, Perrine Nantier, Linda Hafsa, Margaux Jacquemin, Elisa Aragno and Marjorie Monceaux