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All results of the weekend


The boys won against Brive on the pitch of St Marcellin 30-26 (MT: 17-12)

This victory allows the FCG to consolidate its place on the podium of the group, just behind Bordeaux and Pau. 


The Crabos won against Perpignan by a score of 16-0.


The Grenoble U16 won a clear victory 46-17 over the Elite Gard rally. 

The U15 also won 17-10 against the Elite Gard rally.

Junior Amazones 

The girls lost 22 to 30 against the Stade Toulousain team on the pitch of St Martin d'Hères.

The team at X was in tournament and finished with a 1st place thanks to 3 wins against : Lyon, St Jean de Royans and Beaurepaire.