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A look back at the day of the Red & Blue Association - former players

The association of the Reds & Blues - former players organized on April 6 at the bodega of Lesdiguières, a day gathering former CFG players, as well as members of the various staffs and directors.

No less than 120 people who have at one time or another represented the FCG shared this moment of reunion. On the agenda, for the day: good humour, exchanges, memories, sharing, conviviality and friends, all gathered around a few drinks and a meal.

After cheering on the pro team that left the Lesdiguières headquarters to join the Alps stadium to face the French stadium, the guests of the day, invited by the FCG, found themselves in the O stands to support and witness the victory of their heart club.

Thanks to all the people who participated, thanks to everyone it was a success.

Photo & testimonial: S. Strano