With 2 weeks' advance on the start of the school year, future rugby club managers started the BP JEPS (Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport) year at the end of August.
The objective of this training is to train the educators of clubs in the territory of the AURA region to the BP JEPS Sports Collectifs diploma carried by the CFA Métiers du Sport and its training units in the different sectors.
This diploma course is carried out over one year on an apprenticeship contract and offers 3 areas of skills to be developed within the club:
- Professional posture (communication, project management, environmental analysis, network animation...)
- Supervision of team sports in clubs and schools
- Skills specific to the chosen mention (Rugby, Football, Handball, Basketball)
The club makes all its material and human resources (trainers) available to the training organization.
Last week, 26 rugby educators from clubs such as Seyssins, RCG, Echirolles, Pont de Claix, Rumilly, Thones, La Tour du Pin but also from further afield such as Valence, Aubenas, Annonay etc. were supported by the FCG trainers.
Throughout the year, these future rugby club managers will meet at Lesdiguières Stadium but will also cooperate with their counterparts in other team sports.
For more information: contact@cdpro.pro | 04 76 29 29 89 57
Auteur : FCG Rugby