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"There was a lot of pressure"

  • Sylvain Bégon

The return of victory

"We're relieved to have taken it away tonight. It was a tough game. It was a bit like we expected. Indeed, relieved. We will be able to spend a quiet Sunday. We saw a few smiles in the locker room, even though the second half was difficult. And that we came close to disaster. Tonight, we are relieved. And the boys are rather happy, so we are going to enjoy it a little bit. »

Victory, more important than the score gap

"Obviously, the most important thing tonight is to have won this game. It's a special night. I've never experienced anything like it before. An empty stadium. It was really special. There was also a lot of pressure before the game. No matter what you say. With the last results, there was pressure. And I want to say that we handled it pretty well. We had a pretty good first half. And in the second half, unfortunately, we kind of shut down. We started to have doubts. We had less ball. And we put ourselves in danger. But the reaction was good. And, in any case, the state of mind was perfect tonight. That's what we're going to remember. »

Closed-door game

"We don't want it to happen again. But I don't think all the coaches in France want it to happen again. We feel like it's still coming down on us. It just adds more pressure. At a time when we're in a bit of trouble. Playing in an empty stadium, without our supporters, is immediately a little more complicated. Even if it's still the players who do the work on the field. In any case, it's really a difficult time. We are happy to have come out with the 4 points tonight. »


"We still have a fairly young team tonight. We're going to build with these boys. We will continue to work. The touchdown, tonight, it is failing. But, a little like last weekend. For different reasons. Once it's the announcement, once we're out and we can't find the hands. A lot of small details that put us in danger. The second half... Every time we got the ball, we put them under pressure. Unfortunately, when we don't have any more, the pressure is reversed. We defend, we undergo. We make mistakes. And then we expose ourselves. That's exactly it. We have to correct. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. »

Date changes, without your fans, Covid

"Like every other week, you get used to it. You get used to it. Our game in Aurillac had been postponed by one day. This one is the same. Next week in Vannes, it changes. For the planning, it's complicated. Well, Covid's cases are a bit typical of all the teams. There are always one or two a week. We make do with it. And then, the closed-door sessions were the icing on the cake. It's actually a lot. I think people showed character. In spite of all that, we've re-mobilized. We found solutions in the field. And, once again, we're going to build on this first half, which is still of quality. We found that the boys were rather loose. That they had found themselves a little on the game. It's encouraging for the future. We need to confirm this quickly. »

The injury of Dylan Jacquot

"One more thing to deal with. So, we have boys, fortunately, who are going to come back from injury. I'm thinking of Nika Neparidze. We have Nika Gvaladze who has been working with us for a few years. Another playful game. It's going to be their turn to take over. Hopefully it won't be too bad for Dylan and he'll come back with us soon. But, yes, I haven't heard from the doctor, but it sounded pretty serious. »