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Les Bleues at Lesdiguières

  • Amazones
  • Alexandra Chambon
  • Manaé Feleu

A few days before the first women's 6 Nations match (which will take place on 27 March) at the Stade des Alpes against Italy, 4 players from the French national team came to the FCG to share a training session with the U18 Amazons.

Annaëlle Deshaye (Lyon OU), Emeline Gros (Montpellier), Alexandra Chambon and Manaé Feleu (FC Grenoble) had a great time with the young Amazons, with exchanges, laughter and photos.

"We give for pleasure and not only because we are in the French team (...) it's a nice moment that allows us to clear our heads, to relax 2 days before the tournament. It's good to see our friends and to come back to Grenoble. It gives us a boost and allows us to recharge our batteries." Extract ITW Dauphiné Libéré - Emeline Gros, France XV player, former Amazons.

Photo : K. Valentin