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Reserve Elite 1 Championship: what you need to know

  • Amazones

With the creation of a Reserve Elite 1 team, changes are in store for the formerly named Fédérale 1 team for the 22/23 season. 

Here is what you need to know:

The championship is divided into 3 preliminary pools of 4 teams: ASM - FCG - LOU - MHR. This preliminary phase will be held from October 2022 to December 2022.

According to the ranking in these pools, the teams will be placed in two qualifying pools of 6 teams: the teams finishing 2nd in their respective pools will play the semi-finals which will take place in June

The rules will also change, initially in category C, the Reserve team will play in category A next season:

Identical rules to the Elite championship (this allows players playing in both teams to play in the same way)
23 players on the game sheet (first 6 lines)
Unlimited push scrum
2 and simultaneous tackles allowed
Tackle height to shoulder line


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