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Rugby session for the Vercors school in Sassenage

  • Amazones

As the autumn holidays approach, the 1st cycle of "rugby and value" is coming to an end in the schools of the territory.

This Friday, at the Jean Jullien stadium in Sassenage, a class of CM1/CM2 from the Vercors school took part in the last rugby training session given by Jade Bonnet, educator and player at the FCG Amazones. 

On this occasion, Michel Vendra, deputy mayor of Sassenage, responsible for associations, sport and culture, came to visit the teacher Sandrine Duport Rosand and her class. The town of Sassenage has a historical link with the Amazons, indeed, before joining the FCG, the Amazons lived in Sassenage! Since then, the town of Sassenage has accompanied its protégés by being a partner of the FCG Amazons! 

A beautiful moment of sharing where Mr. Vendra could notice that "the girls were much more determined than the boys in the game", would they be inspired by their coach of the FCG Amazons giving these sessions? 

These interventions are part of the "FCG dans ma Ville" scheme. Through these actions, the Club wishes to reinforce its societal role with people who are far from playing rugby, to convey the values of rugby (respect, courage, solidarity) and to spread the positive image of the FCG in the agglomeration.

The sessions are divided into two parts. A sporting part, where the pupils are introduced to the sport and a part of exchange on the values of sport and rugby in particular (fair play, the place of women, hygiene and nutrition) linked to everyday life. These are precious moments of sharing that promote diversity, respect for rules and solidarity.