On Wednesday 11 January, the association Colosse aux pieds d'argile came to speak to young FCG players from the alamercery, gauderman and minimes categories about sexual violence in sport, hazing and harassment. The groups were able to freely discuss these subjects, understand the existing rules and laws and share their experiences and opinions. An adult session was also held at the end of the day for parents of club members, managers and educators. Discussions focused on the different types of sexual violence in sport; how to identify a child in this situation and the protocol for supporting him or her, as well as information on how to report a victim.
In total, 92 young FCG players and 14 adults took part in these interventions. Thanks to Léa who facilitated all the interventions and to the association for allowing the clubs to raise awareness of these issues among their members!
Let's not let violence gain ground!
Auteur : FCG Rugby