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Fonds de Dotation Night

Wednesday, March 29 at the Bibliothèque de l’Ancien Musée de Peinture de Grenoble

The Grenoble Rugby Endowment Fund will be officially launched on March 29th, during an event hosted by Gilbert Brisbois at the Bibliothèque de l'Ancien Musée de Peinture in Grenoble. A gastronomic dinner, prepared by Jérémie Izarn, chef of "La Tour des Sens" and participating in the show Top Chef, will be proposed.

A few weeks ago, FC Grenoble Rugby officially created its Endowment Fund, with the aim of supporting and organizing the social, societal and charitable actions carried out by the club. As a local institution, it is our duty to give Grenoble territory what it gives us by supporting projects that convey values ​​that are dear to us and by promoting access to sport for people far from the convenient.

These projects include the "FCG dans ma Ville" program, the development of the feminization of rugby practice, support for the practice of Quad Rugby and charity operations.

You can support the actions of the Endowment Fund by making a donation eligible for a tax reduction and participate in this gala dinner.

For any information or reservations, contact Nicolas Massacrier - Tel: - Mail: nicolas.massacrier@fcgrugby.fr