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The weekend agenda


7:30 pm : Agen - FCG, Challenge cup, Stadium A. Armandie, Agen



1:30 pm: M10 & M12, Committee tournament, Stade Bachelard, Grenoble

1:30 pm: M8, Committee Tournament, Roger Couderc Stadium, Echirolles

2:30 pm : M16 Cadets - Narbonne, Stade Beauvallet, Seyssins

2:30 pm : Crabos - Béziers, Stade des 2 Ponts, Pont de Claix

3:00 pm : Cadets M15 - Gard, Stade Maurice Lira, La Mure



1:30 pm: Bron - Amazones Fed. 2, Stade Pierre Duboeuf, Bron

2:00 pm : Tarbes - Amazones Elite 1, Tilhos Stadium, Argelès Gazost


For information, the Espoirs match scheduled for this weekend against the UBB is postponed to a later date.