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Nonocolors on Super Smash Ultimate with FCG Esports

Super Smash Ultimate is the fourth game of the FCG esports team

Nonocolors joins FCG Esports and will defend the "Red & Blue" colours on Super Smash Ultimate.

Arnaud "Nonocolors" Jurquet began his career at the age of 14, on Super Smah Bros For Wii U, on the Wii U console. He progressed rapidly thanks to his intensive practice, until he became the first Grenoble native towards the end of the game. His enthusiasm was further confirmed with the release at the end of 2018 of the new Super Smash Ultimate game, released on the new Nintendo Switch system. It still maintains its position as the leading Grenoble-based company on Smash Bros. 

Its next tournament, and the first under the colors "Red & Blue" will take place on the weekend of November 30 and December 1 in Lyon: the European S.E.L. Clash, a tournament on several versus fighting games, taht has more than 415 registered solely on Smash Bros. ! It is one of the most important French tournaments on the Smash Bros. scene.