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"I implemented a participatory captaincy"

  • Jonathan Wisniewski
  • Bernard Jackman

Jonathan Wisniewski saw his role within the FCG get even more important: since this summer, he is the skipper of the « Rouge & Bleu ».

The takeover of Bernard Jackman

"Bernard comes up with ideas, beliefs that are different from those that had Fabrice. We'll see in the rest of the championship if that difference is good. This is a coach who is very focused on the physical requirement, preparation and performance. It is this culture of British pragmatism, made on preparing to take players on top of themselves. It was a real break with the past, which does not mean we did not work hard in the past but now we really work very, very hard. Bernard arrived, explaining that he wanted the players to be on top physically, able to keep up. There were masses of fat criteria, weight, physical level. We had a little workout that was called the "high performance booster" that reminded players who were not in the criteria at 6.30am. At first we were many. Gradually, everyone was fed to come early and made more effort. That allows us to be really fit."

The game of the FCG

"Bernard has been responsible for two years of the offensive game with Fabrice Landreau, so he was the guarantor of this mindset also. On that, we will not change anything. We always want to play, move the ball, take the initiative. We did not have big changes during the offseason, the players remain the same. We know we have players like Gio Aplon, Rory Grice or Chris Farrell who can unlock situations, who love this game and find themselves in the game. We will not deny what we have done well for some time . We want to continue the attractive rugby because we like it. We want to try to be more stable on our conquest, to be able to vary a bit. We want to try to keep this team focused on the offensive. We want to have a wider range of rugby. We will try to correct what has been done since the one or two last season, to take a little bit of stability."

The ends of season

"In what we want to change, we want to establish a physical conditioning maintenance of the eleven-month season. After January, there was a bit of physical weariness and we started a little slow down the preparation. Bernard has already presented a physical preparation for the second half of the season. There are a lot of little things that we will try to change to be consistent and go to the end of the season. "

The captaincy

"The club decided to give me the responsibility of being the skipper. It's an honor, pride and recognition from everyone. But I said and I repeat, it does not change much in my preparation, my way to work every day. I am someone who try to be the most exemplary in the way I work, to prepare, to address the weekends. I will continue to have the same seriousness and the same mindset. Last year, I did not have the role of captain. I had many discussions with the staff about the gameplay, about the organization of systems, reflections on the life of the group and full of topics. Indirectly, I was involved in a lot of things that went beyond my simple role of fly-half."

The group leaders

"We set up a group of leaders, which was voted by the team on values, attitudes. There are six players who will have a monthly meeting with Bernard Jackman just to make a point about the group, the group life, what goes, what does not, schedules, organization and all these things. These are things that will relieve me of my role as skipper, they will also assist me in that. There are players who have lots of experience and who will support me a lot, to whom I talked a lot. I set up a little participatory form of captaincy where everyone has an importance to play. Everyone must get involved. "