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The Amazon compo in front of the Bordeaux Stadium

  • Amazones

The Amazons travel to Bordeaux to face their direct competitors in the qualifying round. The Amazons must win this match against the Stade Bordelais, 5th in the ranking with only 3 points behind the "Rouge & Bleu" to stay 4th and hope for a 1/4 final on May 4.

The 15th of departure: Valentine Guillet, Céline Espit, Elisa Guiguet, Romane Silvestre, Mathilde Cretinon, Camille Monnet, Emeline Gros, Estelle Carpentier, Alyssia Martin, Caudia Gallin, Coline Baillon, Mallaury Chatron, Salomé Maran, Alice Muller, Aude Constans

The substitutes: Elisa Aragno, Linda Hafsa, Margaux Donzel, Juliette Gaggioli, Shawna Waiwai, Violaine Chavance, Marie-Hélène Wanhawe, Zoé Paquet 


Photo : K. Valentin