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The composition of the Amazons Elite 1 against the ASM Romagnat

  • Amazones

It's back for the Elite 1 championship!

After almost 2 months without a match, the Amazons are back on the field, nothing better to get back in the game than to welcome the 1st team of the group ASM Romagnat !

Note for this meeting, the 1st common match of the Feleu sisters (Manaé & Téani) and another family in the XVth of departure with the cousins Agriodos, a real family story! 

The XV of departure : Silvia Turani, Linda Hafsa, Makarita Baleinadogo, Sana Lagrandeur, Emma Poulat, Lea Champon, Manaé Feleu, Suzie Brozda, Alexandra Chambon (c), Téani Feleu, Marie Deferrard, Lou Agriodos, Lucie Garden, Juliette Blouin, Lison Agriodos 

The replacements : Julia Turc, Valentine Guillet, Charlotte Suillerot, Margaux Jacquemin, Fanny Incorvaia, Violaine Chavance, Dorine Perrin, Lorette Jacquot 

Photo : K. Valentin